Newsweek 的"50 most powerful people"SRK名列其中,印度入選的還有Sonia Gandhi ....

41: Shahrukh Khan
The king of Bollywood is opening minds in some closed-off cultures.
Who is the world's biggest movie star? Brad? Will? Nah. His name is
Shahrukh Khan, and he's the king of Bollywood. It's not just that his romantic flicks make gazillions—it's where those gazillions come from. Khan is huge in the Muslim world, even in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where the mullahs ban his films. (The movies thrive on the black market.) Their main appeal is certainly the song-and-dance numbers, but Khan (a Muslim married to a Hindu) makes devoutly secular films where love trounces bigotry. Sonia Gandhi gives Khan's DVDs to visitors, especially Muslim ones. Here's hoping tolerance will leap from reel life to real life.

誰是全世界最夯的電影明星? Brad? Will? 不,他的名字叫做Shahrukh Khan,是寶萊塢的國王,那不只是他拍攝為數不少的浪漫電影-它來自於產量龐大的地方。Khan在穆斯林的世界之中極有份量,甚至在巴基斯坦和阿富汗,毛拉(Mullah,伊斯蘭教徒對神學家的敬稱)禁播他的影片(電影盛行於黑市)。若干歌與舞無疑地是他們最主要引起興趣的力量,然 Khan(一位穆斯林與印度教結婚)虔敬地拍攝的世俗電影裡愛情痛擊了頑固的心態。Soniya Gandhi把 Khan的DVD送给了訪客,尤其是一些穆斯林的訪客。在這裡期望寬容可以從電影生活跳脫到真實的生活。


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